Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Thursday, 18 September 2014

Inquiry Sample

W.A.L.T: Gather Information


Eb (dress from around the world)-
Every Wednesday we have been learning about the inquiry process while finding out about different cultural dress from around the world. The first stage of an inquiry is to gather information ‘Get It’. First we chose a culture we wanted to find out more about and then started researching 


1. What are you most proud of? I am most proud of that I did a lot of research and I think me and my team worked well together.

 2. What did you find challenging?i founded challenging knowing if the research was right or not.

 3. My next ‘Get It’ goal is? My next goul is to get more information and not rush in to things. 

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Writing Where's Troy

My goul from last term is Engaging my audience using appropriate language features (e.g. similes, metaphors, onomatopoeia and imagery).

Walt entertain

Where's troy he's  not here woohoo  the most evil teacher is not here but where is he .

don't be silly there are no such thing as mermaids.

 Even if he was a zombie he would eat the most awesome one last . He probably  just slept in no way he has like 5 clocks no one can sleep through that.

Really I thought pirates where extinct .

suddenly the door open and a person walked in a strange character that was socking wet with a parrot on his shoulder he had skin that was all wrinkly and zombiefide the person walk over to us and said kids get out your book out.

Sunday, 7 September 2014

Fluency: Money Truck Crashes

WALT:  Fluency - read accurately, with expression and understand what we read.
Task: Respond to the article you have just read using full sentences.

Description: We have been reading articles from around the world about peculiar news.

An armoured truck overturned on a highway in Rhode Island, USA,  causing bags of money to spill all over the road which quickly caught the attention of other drivers.
Police say the driver lost control and the truck swerved off the highway onto the grass and tipped onto its side.
Both the driver and the other person in the truck received cuts and bruises and possibly neck and back injuries.
The money was in clear plastic bags and canvas duffel bags and the scene of the accident was soon swarming with passers-by but police are unsure whether any money was taken.
A second truck was called and the money was transferred as police supervised and kept passers-by away from the scene

1. Who is the main person or group of people in this news article? The main people truck driver and the police

2. What was the key event from the news article? The key event is when the money truck crashed and money pored out

3. Where did this event take place? The crash took place in Rhode Island, USA

4. When did this event take place? The event took place on the 2nd of September 

5. Why did this event happen? Police say the driver lost control and the truck swerved off the highway onto the grass and tipped onto its side.


1. What do you think is the best part of the article? I thought the best part was the end because it  was funny when the article said ,police supervised and kept passers-by away from the scene I thought it was funny because the police

2. What was the hardest part about completing this portfolio sample? The hardest part was Answering the questions because you had to put them all in to sentence.

3.  Next time, what is a goal you can work towards? next time my goal is to answer the questions with more power 

  I did the yellow target because I didn't put power in to my answers and that's what makes a good answer/sentence.

     Target yellow.jpg


Feedback/Feedforward:  like you said you can put more power in to the the answers  and have more full stops but other then that I like you post a lot inara :)

Maths Sample

WALT: find patterns and describe them using rules

Task:  Make a short movie to prove that you have achieved your maths goal.

Description: For maths this term we have been learning a range of strategies to help us solve algebra problems. 


Show, explain, prove your goal and how you did it
Clear message
Two questions to show your learning
Correct answer

I did the yellow target because I no I can improve but I do think that most of the post is pretty good.
    Target yellow.jpg        

What are you most proud of and why? 
I am most proud of the photos because I only used three photos and I had to edit them that took a long time.

What challenged you the most and why? What challenged me the most was thinking of the questions and how I should show it like a poster or a show me.

Next time, what is a goal you can work towards? Next time I can work towards is recognise and continue number patterns.

Feedback/Feedforward: I think you could do a little bit less of a crazy background but other then that I think it's very good your answer are all correct I like it.inara😀