Sunday, 13 April 2014

Kotahitanga movie

WALT show ‘Kotahitanga’.   Task Create a movie/photo collage/photo slide presentation about our value Kotahitanga.

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Broken calculator

  •  WALT use appropriate strategies to solve problems.
Can you make the numbers 1 - 20 using this broken calculator? 

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Anzac Day

WALT: Gain meaning from text

1) What does Anzac day commemorate? Anzac day commemorate all of the men that were in the world war 1
2) How did Anzac biscuits get their name? They got there name as women would bake these biscuits to send away to the soldiers. They were made with ingredients that would keep fresh longer. 
3) What does ANZAC stand for? It stands for Australia New Zealand Army Corp
4) Why is this years Anzac day important? It is important this year because it is 100 years since the start of World War 1
5) What do you think RSS should do to commemorate Anzac day this year? This year our school we should all wear poppies. We could  bake Anzac biscuits and take some to Willard home.