Sunday, 9 November 2014

Dog Trainer

On the 2nd of July 2010 a dog trainer came to my house to train my stupid dog Tom its not that I don't like him he but he always eats my shoes and he once ate a bird hole feathers beak and the feet GROSS!!!! . Any way we're was I oh yeah the dog trainer.

 So the dog trainer came and said that dog is to fat he needs to go on a diet that's not very nice tom has feelings you know he could here you any way first the dog trainer got a ball and said fetch boy but Tom just sat there looking at me like he's saying what's going on The trainer says you are such a useless dog. Ok that's it I will come back tomorrow to give him a walk Toms eyes widen and he starts to smile .

 The next day the dog trainer came back and got a leash for Tom but I don't trust her with me little baby so I when with and luck I did because the second Tom got out of the house he run for the hills and dragged the dog trainer with though the park around the trees then back home. When we came back I bent down and said good boy as the dog trainer crawled back to her van.   

Here are the real pitchers of the dog from the story.

Wednesday, 29 October 2014

The 13 Story Treehouse On Minecraft

WALT: Create via Collaboration


What are we doing?  

In my reading class we are making the 13 story treehouse in minecraft. Because troy read us the story the 13 story treehouse by Andy Griffis and we got inspired to make our own twist in the world .

Why are we doing it?

We are doing this to prepare ourselves for the future and show that Russell street school is most creative school ever and we think it will be really fun. 

How are we doing it? Every week each group gets 40 minutes on the world to build rooms and objects from the book.

Who is in my group? In my group there is me Grace C  Talyer W  Rileigh L and Calais .

What is your group building? My group is building Terry's Room , the See-Through Swimming pool and the Bowling Alley .

Where do we do it? We are building it in the teachers office where we can focus in a quit atmosphere .

How often do we do it? Once a week every week

Positive: (What are the good things about doing this?) it's a creative way of learning and it's really fun

Minus: (What are the tricky or not so good things about doing this?) Because we work in a group some times it hard for us to  agree 

Interesting: (What is something that you find interesting about this Eg: Not good or bad) it's interesting that no groups project will be the same. It's all very individual.

Tuesday, 21 October 2014


In writing my goal is to Generating Ideas so we tried to make the smallest pangram using all the letters in the Alphabet the smallest is the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog .

Here's the one me and my friends made

Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Thursday, 18 September 2014

Inquiry Sample

W.A.L.T: Gather Information


Eb (dress from around the world)-
Every Wednesday we have been learning about the inquiry process while finding out about different cultural dress from around the world. The first stage of an inquiry is to gather information ‘Get It’. First we chose a culture we wanted to find out more about and then started researching 


1. What are you most proud of? I am most proud of that I did a lot of research and I think me and my team worked well together.

 2. What did you find challenging?i founded challenging knowing if the research was right or not.

 3. My next ‘Get It’ goal is? My next goul is to get more information and not rush in to things. 

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Writing Where's Troy

My goul from last term is Engaging my audience using appropriate language features (e.g. similes, metaphors, onomatopoeia and imagery).

Walt entertain

Where's troy he's  not here woohoo  the most evil teacher is not here but where is he .

don't be silly there are no such thing as mermaids.

 Even if he was a zombie he would eat the most awesome one last . He probably  just slept in no way he has like 5 clocks no one can sleep through that.

Really I thought pirates where extinct .

suddenly the door open and a person walked in a strange character that was socking wet with a parrot on his shoulder he had skin that was all wrinkly and zombiefide the person walk over to us and said kids get out your book out.

Sunday, 7 September 2014

Fluency: Money Truck Crashes

WALT:  Fluency - read accurately, with expression and understand what we read.
Task: Respond to the article you have just read using full sentences.

Description: We have been reading articles from around the world about peculiar news.

An armoured truck overturned on a highway in Rhode Island, USA,  causing bags of money to spill all over the road which quickly caught the attention of other drivers.
Police say the driver lost control and the truck swerved off the highway onto the grass and tipped onto its side.
Both the driver and the other person in the truck received cuts and bruises and possibly neck and back injuries.
The money was in clear plastic bags and canvas duffel bags and the scene of the accident was soon swarming with passers-by but police are unsure whether any money was taken.
A second truck was called and the money was transferred as police supervised and kept passers-by away from the scene

1. Who is the main person or group of people in this news article? The main people truck driver and the police

2. What was the key event from the news article? The key event is when the money truck crashed and money pored out

3. Where did this event take place? The crash took place in Rhode Island, USA

4. When did this event take place? The event took place on the 2nd of September 

5. Why did this event happen? Police say the driver lost control and the truck swerved off the highway onto the grass and tipped onto its side.


1. What do you think is the best part of the article? I thought the best part was the end because it  was funny when the article said ,police supervised and kept passers-by away from the scene I thought it was funny because the police

2. What was the hardest part about completing this portfolio sample? The hardest part was Answering the questions because you had to put them all in to sentence.

3.  Next time, what is a goal you can work towards? next time my goal is to answer the questions with more power 

  I did the yellow target because I didn't put power in to my answers and that's what makes a good answer/sentence.

     Target yellow.jpg


Feedback/Feedforward:  like you said you can put more power in to the the answers  and have more full stops but other then that I like you post a lot inara :)

Maths Sample

WALT: find patterns and describe them using rules

Task:  Make a short movie to prove that you have achieved your maths goal.

Description: For maths this term we have been learning a range of strategies to help us solve algebra problems. 


Show, explain, prove your goal and how you did it
Clear message
Two questions to show your learning
Correct answer

I did the yellow target because I no I can improve but I do think that most of the post is pretty good.
    Target yellow.jpg        

What are you most proud of and why? 
I am most proud of the photos because I only used three photos and I had to edit them that took a long time.

What challenged you the most and why? What challenged me the most was thinking of the questions and how I should show it like a poster or a show me.

Next time, what is a goal you can work towards? Next time I can work towards is recognise and continue number patterns.

Feedback/Feedforward: I think you could do a little bit less of a crazy background but other then that I think it's very good your answer are all correct I like it.inara😀

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

The Learning Pit

WALA: The Learning Pit
Description: We have been learning about when good learning happens. Task: Share what you know about the learning pit.


  • ●  Draw the Learning Pit.

  • ●  List at least 3 feelings that you might have when you are in the pit. Challenged ,unpowered, unstoppable ,

  • ●  List at least 3 strategies that you could use to get out of the pit. Ask for advice from people out of the pit and try your hardest to get out and keep telling your self to keep going.

  • ●  Label where good learning happens. In the pit but if you go ofer the pit you are taking the lest challenging to way.

  • ●  List 3 things you could say to yourself when you are in the pit. Keep going your all most there.


    • ○  How did you feel when you were in the pit? I could not do it but with some help I got out.

    • ○  What did you do to work out of the pit? If you get stuck you can ask for help from someone how's out of the pit.

      One of the times I was in the learning pit I had not gotten emailed something important so I asked one of my friends and they emailed it to me so I could get out of the pit.

      Feedback/Feedforward: I like your post and your answers but you could put how you started the leaning pit.inara 😃

Monday, 18 August 2014

Homework Witing

This is me goul from last term is attempt complex punctuation (e.g. possessive apostrophes, commas for clauses, clauses, semicolons, colons, ellipses).

WALT: Entertain
Description: We read the poem “My Remarkable Journey” which inspired us to write our own

"Arrrggghhhh" I jumped out of bed screaming "I'm late for school".  I have to quickly get ready and be out the door I think I've got about ten minutes until I have to be in class. Thankfully it's only around the corner and up the road and I'm there. As I'm on my way I get splashed with mud by a big truck that whizzes past me. Great, first I'm running late then I'm drenched in watery mud. It's too late to go home and change so hopefully I dry out quickly. 

On I go with a bit quicker pace as time is ticking. I hear a dog bark behind me, It sounds angry and ferocious. I start walking faster and faster until I break into a run. I look behind me and all that is following me is a little chihuahua with very sharp razor like teeth. I got such a fright I dropped my homework, the pages fluttered on to the footpath and that loud little dog sat down on them, leaving muddy footprints as he did so. Quickly thinking, I took half my sandwhich out of my  lunchbox and threw it down the road. The dogs eyes widened and began to drool he scuttled off my work and chased my sandwhich. I hope he enjoys last nights spaghetti bolognaise I thought as I picked up the paper and sprinted onward toward school.

As I passed the stream that snakes it's way through the streets near my school I was focused only on getting to my class,  when my homework was plucked from my hand by a large angry duck that came swooping out of nowhere. I looked up and watched it fly up the stream and land on a large nest that it seemed to be building. I saw the duck rip the paper with its sharp bill and begin to weave it into the nest. Unbelievable really but all this happened within 10 minutes and now I really am late for school. I'm muddy, wet, late and have no homework. 

I walked into my class, there was silence. I'm never late for school and the sight out me caused a ripple of giggles from my friends. My teacher told me to sit down and get my homework out. Ooops would she believe me if I said I forgot it? She said tell the truth Charlotte and all I could say was you are never going to believe this but......


We decided that a quality piece of writing has the following things. Reflect on whether these things are in your story:
Introduction: It hooks the reader in the first few lines making them want to read more Punctuation: Is your writing ready for a reader? Does your punctuation make it easy for them to read?

Short sentences: Do you create suspense by using these in your writing? Onomatopoeia: Are these in your writing to create impact?
Alliteration: Are these in your writing to create impact? Similes/Metaphors: Are these in your writing to create impact?


1. What do you think is the best part of your story? My discription in the dog and I found that sentinis really funny .
2. What was the hardest part about completing this portfolio sample?the writing part because it took me a long time to just think of the start.

3. Next time, what is a goal you can work towards?  I won't to increase the sentinis and comprehension.

Feedback/Feedforward: I think that you did a very good job but you could improve on your sentences with making them bigger inara😋 



Monday, 11 August 2014

Te Reo Presentation

WALT: communicate a message.

Description: We have been participating in 3 different workshops around colour, compositions and fonts. We put these skills to use in a poster sharing our knowledge about Te Reo Maori.
Why? We have noticed that our posters are too cluttered and do not communicate a message well.

Task: Make a poster about Te Reo Maori.

My message is clear and purposeful. Everything that is on my poster relates to my message.

Composition: My poster is balanced.
Font: My font is clear, readable and suits the message.

Colour: I have used 2-3 colours that are complementary. My background choice makes the text pop!

Accuracy: All of the words on my poster are spelt correctly. Evaluation:

  1. What are you most proud of and why? I am most proud of the words and thanks to the tests we're have been doing in class I knew most of the Māori words and what they mean in English .

  2. What challenged you the most and why? The biggest challenged was the colour and the set out because the colours could clash but I think we did a really good job with sorting all of it out.

  3. Next time, what is a goal you can work towards? Well there is always room for improvement but one of my goals  for next time would be working better with my partner because we where fighting a bit and we didn't really need to fight about the stuff we did fight about.

 page2image4508 I did a yellow target because we did fight and at the end we were rushed to finish.


I like your poster Charlotte but I think you could have make the whole word "Māori" bold instead of just the M and remember when you write the word Māori to remember the macron above the word. And the other words that have macrons in them. I really like the variety of colours you used in your poster it really makes the words stand out on the page. I like how you have made a word pop out of the page like literally on the side and I also like the little drawing you or Inara put by the words Te Reo. - Grace C AKA The Awesome One!!

Monday, 30 June 2014

Thursday, 26 June 2014

End Of Term 2 Reflection

My end of term reflection
WALT: evaluate our learning honestly What is an effective learner?

What were the highlights for this term? Pet day ,cross country ,assembly ,cmiyc.

What were your greatest challenges this term? Why? Cross country even though I trid my hardest It was still challing I struggled.

How are you going towards acting with integrity? Why? good because when it go passest peans I pick them up.

 How could you improve? I could think before I act .

What are your goals in our learner disposition wall? Where to next? Self directed is my next goul.

Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Grass Hopper Tennis

WALT: improve our small ball skills like catching, throwing, and hitting. 

Description: We have been participating in a tennis programme with Big John (John Salisbury) from Tennis Manawatu. He has taught us some tennis skills that help with controlling and hitting the ball

Why? To reflect on how we are going with grass hopper tennis skills we have learnt. We will share at Student Led Conference

what? We did a reflection for grass hopper tennis

How? We had to mark ourselves with targets to see how we and a partner think we did

What are you most proud of and why? I am most proud of pat the dog because most people slap the dog but I don't .
What challenged you the most and Why? Picking the ball up with my racquet.
Next time, what is a goal you can work towards? Making most of the targets green.

Comment: I like how you have been honest with your evaluation. You can work on making you sentences complete when answering the questions. Katie. 

Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Spelling Activity

Week 7 Focus:  

WALT Find the meaning of the words in your spelling list if they are unknown to you and put them a complete sentence. (not a short sentence or incomplete sentenc

Thursday, 19 June 2014

Newton's Cradle

WALT: inform

It all started with a man called Sir Isaac Newton born January 4, 1643 he was an expert in Physics.
One day he fond two new tips of energy called kinetic and potential energy . When he went to his village to tell everyone about it but no one believed he so he made a contraption and called it the newtons cradle the way it works is you pull one ball up and let it go and then the last ball at the end will go up.
DESCRIPTION I have leant that there is more then one tip of energy like kinetic and potential.

 What? We are publishing a piece of writing.
Why?, To share on our blog and during our Student Led Conference.
When? Week 6
Who? The World

I did the yellow target because I could have finished before die line. 

Comment: great story Charlotte I like the detail you put in it maybe more juicy words next time.- Lili


Monday, 16 June 2014


WALT: Show Integrity

Why? To have a post that shows our under standing of Integrity to share this during our Student Led Conference.

When? Week 7

Who? Me Inara Grace Ella 

How? Inara and Ella are kicking the ball back and fourth, then the bell rings so they leave the ball and then Charlotte comes along and picks the ball up and puts it away.

How you can show Integrity.
Be on tasks 
Don't talk to your friends when 

Out of 10 I think my group did 7 because we could have tried to cooperate more and to communicate more . But I think we did well on our Panoramic photo because we included every ones ideas.

I liked how you explained why what and when and who and  how but next time I think you should exsplane what integrity really is like integrity is doing the right thing even when no one is whatching.

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Potential And Kinetic Energy

WALT: show our understanding of how energy works.
DESCRIPTION: We have been learning about energy. To share our learning, we
have made a video to explain how energy works.
What? Make a video (no longer than 30 seconds) about our understanding of energy. i.e. States of matter, Potential and Kinetic energy, Newtons Cradle or forms of energy like Radiation, Convection, Conduction
Why? To show what we know about how energy works, to share during our Student Led Conference.
When? Week 6
Who? The World 
  Comment I think that was a great movie and you actually showed some examples and had a loud clear voice.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Spelling Mnemonics

Walt: Rote learn

Task: Make a mnemonic to help us learn our spelling words as a memory old.

What? We had to make 5 to10 spelling words you got wrong and turn them in to mnemonics.

Why? To help us learn and understand our spelling words.

What? Did I learn? How to make mnemonic by using our spelling words.

Evaluation: I could work on having more powerful words. But I think I did well with matching the pictures.

Feed back: Charlotte was really enthusiastic about this task. She thought really hard about making mnemonics that used humour to help here remember her spelling words. From Mum 

Comment: I like the pictures you have put with your Mnemonics but I think next time you could maybe illustrate your own pictures to go with your Mnemonics and next time make sure your words make sense if they don't already. From Grace c

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Double And Half Strategy

W.A.L.T: Use your double and half strategy to work out multiplication 

What I learnt: My double and half strategy

First I went on show me and started to record my self doing my working out. I will show you an example. 16x5=

Half of 16 is 8 then you double the 5 which is 10 then you times 8 and 10. So 8x10=80. So 16x5=80

Feed Back:
Wow! This an amazing video. I can see what you are trying to teach to other people.
I can tell you have bot your hard thinking into your post. Good work!
Sophie w 

Feed Back:
Great work on your video you have great clear voice and you explain very well.
Keep up your great work and keep going.
:) Grace.S

Thursday, 8 May 2014

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Sunday, 13 April 2014

Kotahitanga movie

WALT show ‘Kotahitanga’.   Task Create a movie/photo collage/photo slide presentation about our value Kotahitanga.

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Broken calculator

  •  WALT use appropriate strategies to solve problems.
Can you make the numbers 1 - 20 using this broken calculator? 

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Anzac Day

WALT: Gain meaning from text

1) What does Anzac day commemorate? Anzac day commemorate all of the men that were in the world war 1
2) How did Anzac biscuits get their name? They got there name as women would bake these biscuits to send away to the soldiers. They were made with ingredients that would keep fresh longer. 
3) What does ANZAC stand for? It stands for Australia New Zealand Army Corp
4) Why is this years Anzac day important? It is important this year because it is 100 years since the start of World War 1
5) What do you think RSS should do to commemorate Anzac day this year? This year our school we should all wear poppies. We could  bake Anzac biscuits and take some to Willard home. 

Thursday, 27 March 2014


My next steps...
I think nexts time I should go  a bit slower by taking my time and re-cheek over my work a third time .

Clay art

W.A.L.T to make things with art

I am Proud of my clay because . . .  I put  a lot of texture in my clay with the tooth brush

Something I found challenging was  . . .  It was very hard take all of the craks out of the clay

The thing I enjoyed the most was . . .getting to make a bear holding a iPad 

Today I learnt . . . How to stick clay together with vinegar

Next time . . . I will tri to mold the cay faster so the clay won't crak 

Camp witting

As we were tiptoeing Through the bush I herd screaming there were chills running down my back. I kept on Walking then sudinly there was a hooooot in the bush people were screaming. The only thing we could see is the lelfs on the trees and on the ground 
and the tree roots. lIttle holes of light peeked through the branches of the trees like fireflies. I felt like I wouldn't be scared because I don't scare easily but when NIck 
hooted like an owl, I screamed like a banshee. Aaaaaahhhhhh!!! Everyone around me 
was screaming as well. It sounded like they almost had a heart attack. When we got out  I said to my friend I won't to do that again!!!